Mimic Social

This semester, our Social Media class did a lot with a simulation called "Mimic Social". Mimic Social was the world's first ever social media marketing simulation, and it turned out to be pretty effective. Through the simulation, people completing it would do various tasks such as post targeted social media ads, schedule influencers and content, balance their budget, and so on. 

The simulation was geared towards a company called Buhi, an e-commerce and retail bag supplier. Through the simulation, it was our job to advertise, promote and try to sell Buhi products through different social media outlets and influencers. The content we posted, as well as where and when it was posted, effected how the advertisement was received by others. There were many rounds where we would do this, and after each round, data would be collected. We could see how many impression or clicks there were while also seeing how much revenue we earned. 

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this simulation. It was really cool to see how social media marketing works and to be able to actually partake in it was interesting. This simulation made me excited for my future career, as I hope it has something to do with social media marketing. Many peope don't think about what all goes into social media and it is actually a lot. From scheduling content, to picking which ad to run with or even scheduling an influencer, it is a lot of work. Overall, I thought Mimic Social was very effective and useful!


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