Marketing with Instagram

 Likes, comments, shares, posts, pictures, videos. All these words have something in common, but what? They're all components that make up one of the most popular social media apps, Instagram. With over 1.22 billion monthly active users, Instagram has taken ahold of the social media world. Chapter 5 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" dives into the apps marketing strategy to analyze what makes Instagram, Instagram.

Instagram isn't as simple of an app as it once was when it started out. Videos have increased from 15 seconds to over a minute. Stories appear for 24 hours and then dissapear. Reels, live videos, shopping and more are now accessible in this one single app. It appears that everything you could possibly need, you can now find on Instagram. But is that a good or bad thing?

One of the biggest componets of Instagram are influencers. Influencers are the people who have a huge following and use it to their advantage. They'll partner with brands, post advertisments, and much more. This offers value for both parties involved. Influencers earn money for their posts, receive free gifts, and boost their following through their work. The companies partnering with influencers are gaining more customers, profit and opportunities for their products to be shared. It's a win-win situation. Normal people like you and I though, we scroll through the app viewing these posts, clicking on the influencers handle or browsing through the products they are advertising. Without us, these influencers or companies would be nothing.

Next time you're scrolling through Instagram or a similar social media app stop and think, is this benefiting me, or is it benefiting someone else?


  1. I think that it is really cool how we can use social media to market our businesses and talk with friends, family and other people but it is scary to think of all the people using it for bad just to make a dollar bill.

  2. Instagram is one of my favorite platforms to use! I love how I have gotten to see the journey it has gone through. I started my Instagram in middle school when we were only allowed to post one photo at a time. Then the videos, batch pictures, stories, reels, and IGTV! It's amazing what people can figure out and how old I am!


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