First Outdoor Track Meet!

This past weekend we had our first outdoor track meet of the season in Indianapolis at Marian University. It ended up being a 15-hour day, with the bus leaving at 6:15 in the morning and not returning until 9:45 at night. Needless to say, I was exhausted by the time we got back. I started my first outdoor season for ONU by racing the 5k. Right before my race it started to rain, and it did so the entire race. I didn't mind though; I actually like racing in the rain. I ended up running a decent time (sub-20), but I know I can do better as the season progresses. I've been dealing with iron deficiency, so it's been a little bit of a struggle but we're getting there!

My parents came to the race which I was so excited about. The last time I saw them was spring break and although it wasn't that long ago, I still missed them so much. My parents are my best friends and whenever I'm home from school I spend a lot of time with them. Since I live just over an hour away from ONU, they actually came up on Sunday with my dog Stella and hung out with me for the afternoon. We went shopping, took Stella for a walk, went to Starbucks, and ended the night by going to dinner. It was such a fun time and I'm glad that I live so close that little trips like these can happen. 


  1. I was so tired after the meet this weekend as well! The weather changing its mind every so often definitely was not helpful. I was thankful for all of my layers and packing so much extra clothes. You probably didn't hear me but I was cheering you on during the 5k!! I wish I lived closer some times, my parents aren't able to come visit very often. Your Sunday sounds like it was so much fun!

  2. A 15 hour day is super long! I've been meaning to come to some of the track meets, a bunch of football players and I will be at the home track meet on the 23rd to come to support the team. It's always nice to see parents come support athletic events. Keep working too! A sub 20 time is not bad at all, and that was in the rain too.

  3. I had so much fun at the track meet with you. You raced so well even though the weather was so bad. I'm excited to get back to racing with you!! Can't believe track season is almost over :(


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