Spring Break!

Last week was my spring break and it was such a good week. I did a lot over the break, but I'll keep this blog short and highlight some of the things that were the most fun to me.

The first couple days of break I spent with my friends. Larkin and Olyvia came over and we did a lot of different things. We ran our workouts and easy run togethers, shopped and bought way too many clothes, took tons and tons of pictures, ate at some of our favorite food places, and overall, just had a good time with each other. It felt like we were back at school hanging out and having fun like usual. 

The overall highlight of my break though was going to New York to see Hamilton on Broadway. Back in December, my family and I took a mini vacation to New York City for the week. I've been to New York multiple times, but this trip was supposed to be special. We were supposed to see Hamilton at Richards Rodgers Theatre during that trip, but due to covid, it was sadly canceled. My parents knew how much I loved Hamilton so they decided that during spring break it would be the perfect time to go see it. It was SO MUCH FUN! I was able to run again in Central Park, which I love by the way. I was able to spend time with my parents, walk around the city, shop, and eat some good food. There's a coffee shop that I always go to, Paris Baguette, which I highly recommend if you are going to New York. Hamilton was amazing as you can expect. The performance blew me away, and I left there smiling from ear to ear (sounds cheesy, I know, but it's true). New York City holds a special place in my heart and every time we visit, I never want to leave.

I'm sad to see spring break end but with only 8 weeks left of the semester, summer is right around the corner. I'm not ready for freshman year to be over just yet though.



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