Final Blog

I can't believe I am writing my last and final blog for this semester! Through the last couple of months, I have really enjoyed blogging about my life and what we were doing in class. This past week has been bittersweet as my friends and I are spending as much time with each other that we can on campus until this fall. I'm excited for a nice little break and to go home but I'm sad that I won't be living with my best friends. For this final blog, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight some of the best memories I have from this second semester:

1. The snowstorm that canceled classes and practice for 2 days! My friends and I had a movie marathon, a snowball fight, and hung out until 5 in the morning. It was so much fun, and our football friends and I got closer. 

2. My brother and his best friend Skip visiting and spending the weekend with me here! They watched me race at our indoor track meet, grabbed dinner at Beer Barrel and El Campo, went to mass, and hung out. I loved that they were able to come visit me. 

3. Spring break! Getting to hang out with my friends and family, go to New York, see Hamilton on Broadway, and overall have a break from classes and school. It was a nice little reset.

4. Friendship bracelets! Our group of friends all made friendship bracelets one night. It took some convincing to get our guys friends to make them, but they ended up enjoying making them. It was such a cute and core memory of this semester; I really love them. 

5. Track meets! Whether it was an indoor or outdoor meet, it was so much fun traveling with some of my best friends. One of my favorite seniors, Rue, is graduating this year so it was a bittersweet time. Going to miss her so much.

6. Spikeball! This past semester we have played so much Spikeball. Our baseball and football friends are really good at it so it gets pretty competitive when we play. I love playing it. 

7. All the friends I have made! This past semester, my friend group has expanded so much. I've made so many new relationships with so many new people. ONU will forever have such a special place in my heart because it has given me these people that I will forever be close with.

My first year at ONU has ended and looking back at it, I wouldn't change a thing. There were many laughs and cries but, in the end, it was all worth it. I'm looking forward to the next 3 years, and I hope they don't go by as fast as this one did. I will see you again in 3 months Ada, don't miss me too much :) 


  1. This was such a cute blog post! I was really worried about the blogging assignment, but I think I enjoyed it overall. I can promise you that the next three years are going to fly by, or at least the last three have for me. Keep doing you and enjoying the time you have here with your friends because you won't get to do this again!


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