Weekend of Traveling

This past weekend was one of the most fun yet busiest weekends this semester. I started off my weekend with an early morning track meet at Oberlin. It was only a two-hour drive so compared to the week before, it was a lot shorter. I was racing the 1500 at this meet which was a way shorter and faster race than the 5k. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of the 1500. I am definitely a longer distance runner, so I didn't really enjoy racing it, but it's good to get that experience and work different muscles in our legs. I hung out with some of my best friends, Tessa, and Olyvia, as well as Maus. We were dancing, laughing, joking around, and overall having a good time. My parents and other extended family came to watch me race because a lot of my aunts and uncles are from around that area. It was so great seeing everybody! The meet only lasted 4 hours, which is pretty short for a track meet. I was happy to be getting back to campus before dark for once because that doesn't happen often. When we returned, I hung out with my friends and chilled for the night.

The next morning came early as I was up at 7 A.M. to go visit my brother at The University of Notre Dame. My parents picked me up since ONU was on the way and we made our way towards South Bend. Last semester I drove a lot up to Notre Dame to go to football games, watch Zach race and hang out with him. The university is such a special place and I'm sad that he's graduating from there next month. When we arrived at his house, I hung out with him and his friends for a little while my parents loaded some of Zach's things in the car to take home. Later that day, my dad and Zach golfed while my mom and I walked around campus. It was such a beautiful day! We grabbed lunch and ice cream after and then attended Mass. It was Palm Sunday, so it was super busy, but I didn't mind. Eventually evening came and we said goodbye to my brother and made our way back to ONU to drop me off. I said goodbye to my parents and headed to my room to cram in some last minute-homework I procrastinated...oops. Overall, it was such a fun weekend with family and friends!


  1. Throughout all of the chaos of your track season, you got to see your family! I am glad the weather was nice out. Lately, the weather has been absolutely horrible. I cannot imagine how miserable your track meets have been. Procrastination has been the definition of the second half of this semester. Since basketball season has ended, I lost my motivation. Of course, the coursework has only piled on, but it will be summer before we know it!

  2. I agree with Brooke... procrastination has 100% been the definition of this semester. Especially with all of the extra track meets and missing class for me! But its great you were able to see your family and get off of campus for a little while with some nice weather. Hopefully we will start getting some better weather for the upcoming meets, that makes it so much more enjoyable!


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