Social Media Podcast

This week I had the pleasure of recording my first ever podcast for class. At first, I was a little skeptical about how it would go, but it actually turned out pretty decent in my opinion. For my podcast I decided to research an issue involving social media in public relations. After searching for quite some time, I settled on covering ethical issues that arise when using social media. To no surprise, there was a lot of information covered about this topic.

For starters, a lack of transparency, unreported endorsements, consumer privacy breaches, and misrepresentation of a brand or organization are just a few examples of improper uses of social media. It is important for a company to remain ethical throughout their social media usage. It is important for companies to engage with their followers through social media, but it has to be in a way that doesn't take advantage of their users. Consumers put trust in the apps they are using and if the apps are dishonest, that creates an issue. 

Another big issue we see with social media is consumer privacy. If user data is breached and spread without their knowledge, that creates not only ethical but legal issues as well. It is important when dealing with social media in public relations to not take advantage of their users. Although data can be very valuable to the company, their user’s privacy and loyalty will remain more valuable than you think. 

Social media is a very powerful tool and is heavily used when working in public relations. It is crucial for a business to remain ethical while utilizing social media or problems will arise. To hear more about how ethics plays a role in social media through public relations, click the link to listen to my podcast! 


  1. You did great on the podcast! Your voice was very professional and the information was very intriguing. I think you did great with your content and the audio was perfect. It was very organized and easy to comprehend, making for a great podcast. Good job Bailey!


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