Social Media Marketing Campaigns


This week in my class we discussed social media marketing campaigns. At first, I wasn't really sure what exactly they were but now I know how much of a crucial role that they play in marketing. Launching a social media marketing campaign is important, so how exactly do you do that?

Before you even launch the campaign, it is important to do two things: establish your goals and choose the idea, theme, and type of your campaign. You have to know what you want the campaign to accomplish, while also having a strong campaign that resonates with whatever your target audience is. The next steps are to determine the budget and outline what exactly your campaign paramerters are. It is crucial to lay out what resources the campaign will need so you know which funds should go where. When it comes to campaign parameters, they include hashtag uses, contest guidelines, and so on. Incentives can also be included to get more people involved by offering a reward in return.

During the actual campaign it is important to promote, monitor and engage, and adjust it if needed. A lot of campaign success comes from promotion which is why it is so crucial to promote it when needed. If the campaign is suffering even after promotion, that's when the adjusting part comes in. Monitoring the campaign plays a key role in the success of it because you know what is working and what is not. At the end of the campaign, you must announce the winner or share results, and report what worked best for the campaign and if it was successful. Social media marketing campaigns are important for all brands, which is why it is important to understand how to use them.


  1. I did not know much about marketing campaigns either. Once I read the chapter, it all made sense. I can see why they are such an important part of social media and businesses. They are all over the place now that I know about them, I see them all of the time. I have even participated in some and won rewards from them.


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