Marketing with TikTok


TikTok, the social media platform that through quarantine became one of the most popular apps on the internet. Chapter 11 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" looks into why TikTok is such a prominent social media app and how marketing plays a huge role in it. 

With over 689 million monthly active users, TikTok is a perfect app for companies to market in. Although marketing through TikTok is just getting started, it's already shown much potential and is influential towards businesses. There are over 1000+ brands that use TikTok business accounts and out of these brands, they on average receive 200,000+ content views per post. This is well above average for other social media platforms. Most people believe that TikTok is geared towards the younger generation only, but that isn't entirely true. Although TikTok's main users are between the ages of 10-29, the platform is also attracting a larger and older audience. Most people spend on average 52 minutes a day on TikTok. With this type of exposure, a brands awareness, exposure, engagement, and growth will increase. 

Marketing through TikTok is just getting started but in its little time that it has helped businesses, it's on track to play a very influential role in future success. 


  1. I agree that TikTok will be very important in the future for many businesses. I have never bought anything from any businesses on TikTok, but I have found many small ones that I might buy from in the future. There are plenty of brands that use TIkTok, but the small businesses are the one's that I would prefer to support.


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