Home Stretch

This past weekend was one of the most fun weekends this semester! It's hard to believe that there are only a couple weekends left here in Ada. Friday night we started off with a pasta dinner at our senior girl's house. The food was delicious and it was such a good time hanging out with everyone and bonding. The next day we had our one and only home meet, so we rested up after the dinner and hung out. I was excited to be racing at home, and it couldn't come soon enough. 

Saturday morning eventually came, and I got ready for the meet. I was racing the 1500 today so I was one of the earlier events. It was such a nice day! It was warm and sunny, something we haven't really seen much of. I ended up doing decent in my race, placing 6th with a new personal best time. After I raced, I went and saw my family and hung out with them as the meet progressed. I also was able to see some of my friends from other schools that were at the meet which was really nice. After it ended, I grabbed dinner and Starbucks with my friends and then hung out with them the rest of the night.

On Sunday, it was our friend Aubrey's birthday, so we went out to dinner at El Campo to celebrate. I feel like we always go to El Campo, but you can't go wrong with it. We took cute pictures before dinner and hung out for most of the day. We went on so many walks since it was so beautiful outside! After dinner I put all my time towards doing homework since I had quite a bit to do. Overall, it was such a great weekend and it's crazy to think that in just less than two weeks, summer break will have started, and my freshman year of college will be over. We're in the home stretch!


  1. I give you props for running the 1500. My body is not made for that race whatsoever! I can't wait to eat at El Campo for my friends birthday this weekend as well!

  2. I feel like this year has flown by! Next year I will be a senior, and it feels like just yesterday I was a little freshman. The home meet this weekend was so nice, and what a beautiful day for you to set a new personal best! It's also awesome that your family was able to come cheer you on as well. I haven't been to El Campo in such a long time, I am missing it for sure. I was going to go after the home meet with my family but they were so packed and there was a line out the door, so we decided to go somewhere else. Hopefully I will get to go soon!

  3. I have to say running the 1500 in hot weather doesn't sound like fun but cheers for you to do it! But that is awesome that you saw your family and were able to hangout with them at the meet. Also, El Campo is a good choice to eat at I know a lot of my friends like Mexican food but I am not a big fan of it. However, I walked a lot during that weekend too, since it was so nice outside! Also, I can't believe our freshman year is almost over and we will on summer break!


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