Easter Weekend


This weekend I was able to travel home for Easter, which I was extremely happy about. I had a lot of things planned for those short 3 days at home, but I knew I would have fun doing them. To start off the weekend, on Friday I had the pleasure of attending one of our family friend's wedding. The wedding was located about 45 minutes away from my house at this beautiful venue that overlooked a river and forest. It was such a pretty place! The wedding was a lot fun, and it was such a great day celebrating one of our close friends and her newly wedded husband.

The next morning, I woke up early for a big day ahead. Even though I was at home on "break", I was racing at the All-Ohio Championships at Ohio Wesleyan, which was only 10 minutes from my house. Part of me was excited to race at another track meet, but another part of me wished I could relax at home and not worry about racing. Since the meet was in my hometown, a lot of my friends from high school came and watched me race. It was so nice catching up with them since it had been months since I saw them. After my race and the meet was over, I went to dinner with my friend's family and my brother. We went to Amato's, a local Italian place that is one of my favorites. After that, we got ice cream at another one of my hometown favorites, Whit's. It was so good! I had such a great day with my friends and family that I didn't want it to end.

The following day was Easter, and it was another early morning for me. My family and I went to 7:30 A.M. mass since we figured the other masses would be busier later in the day, and we were right. Easter is such a special day as we recognize the resurrection of Jesus and there is nothing I love more than spending it at church. I don't really talk about my faith a lot on here but with me being Catholic, Easter really meant a lot to me. After mass, my brother and I did an Easter egg hunt at home. Even though my brother is 22 and I'll be 20 this year, we still keep up with tradition and do Easter egg hunts. My grandma came over for dinner that afternoon and we colored eggs. To end the day, my family and one of my friends went and played Pickle Ball at our local park, which was a blast. Overall, this weekend was so much fun, and I didn't want Monday to come!


  1. It was so hard to come back to classes on Monday, but you had such a packed weekend! I bet you are exhausted. I am glad that your high school friends could watch you run this weekend. Seeing the support of people you have grown up with is priceless. I am sure they look up to you a ton! Your family is awesome for keeping the Easter egg hunt tradition alive. My family never had that tradition growing up so I love hearing stories about what people find in their eggs. This weekend was a great reminder that summer is just around the corner.

  2. Playing sports over Easter weekend is definitely a challenge, I had to do the same up in Cleveland this weekend at John Carroll, but getting to go home and spend some time with family is always a nice bonus after a hard days work. Also, Amato's is fantastic, I only live a few minutes away from Amato's there in Delaware and my family usually eats there on Friday nights once or twice a month during the summers!


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