Notre Dame vs Florida State


For my social media class, one of my assignments were to live tweet about an event. At first, I wasn't sure what I would tweet about and searched for various sporting events happening this week. When I saw Notre Dame was playing, I knew I had to cover that event. My family is a huge Notre Dame family since my brother goes there and it was perfect! I only covered the first half of the game, but a lot happened in those 20 minutes.

The Seminoles took the lead very early at the beginning of the game, having at most a 5-point lead on the Fighting Irish. It didn't take long for the Irish to close that gap though. Up until there were 8 minutes left in the first half, the Seminoles were consistently leading by 3 points. Notre Dame took the lead with 8:09 left in the half with Wesley leading the team with 9 points. The Seminoles would respond though and tie up the game to make it 27-27. The two teams went back and forth for some time and with 1:39 left in the first half, the score was 35-35. A very close game as you can see, but who would lead going into the second half?

The Fighting Irish.

Going into the second half of the game, Notre Dame leads 44-39 against Florida State. Wesley still leads for the Irish with 11 points and 5 rebounds while Butler continues to lead for the Seminoles with 11 points and 3 rebounds. I anticipate a very close second half, as the first half was back and forth between the two teams. Who will win? 

As always, Go Irish!



  1. This sounds like a really interesting game to watch! My family was never into college sports, even though we live in Indiana. Apparently I should be a really big basketball fan? What did you think of the live tweeting? I thought it was difficult at first but the longer I was doing it the easier it was.


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