Marketing with YouTube


I'm sure at some point in all of our lives we have watched a YouTube video. Some of us have maybe even created and posted a video of our own. Regardless, YouTube is a big enough platform that it is well known to many. In chapter 10 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" dives into the marketing strategy behind YouTube and how the platform uses it to their advantage. 

When scrolling through YouTube or other social media platforms, most people find videos more intriguing and eye catching than posts filled with hundreds of words. It has been proven that "81 percent of businesses use video in their marketing strategies, and 93 percent of businesses gain a new customer after publishing a video on publishing". This is perfect for YouTube, as the platform is strictly for video usage. 

In order for brands to be successful on YouTube, they have to constantly post content that are catered to their target audiences. Brands also have to pursue a strong YouTube content strategy. They increase engagement in their videos through this as the content they are making is primarily made for YouTube specifically. "In fact, 90 percent of the world's top 500 brands have at least one YouTube channel". This proves how important it is for a business to utilize YouTube because it is one of the most beneficial platforms for advertising and marketing. 

In order for a business and brand to be successful, it is crucial they invest their time and money into marketing with YouTube. Videos play a huge role in advertising and YouTube is made just for that.


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