Marketing with Pinterest

Have you ever heard of an app where the main concept was to "Pin" different things that you liked? Well if so, then you probably know of the app I'm talking about then. Pinterest is a social sharing network where people can share and discover different ideas. Chapter 8 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" highlights this app and how marketing plays a huge role in it.

The app itself is pretty simple, with only 3 major components to it. The home feed is essentially one of the most important aspects of the app. It shows Pins saved by the people you follow as well as other topics and boards. The Pins that you see on your screen when you open the app likely include an image or video, description and potentially a link to an online source. After clicking on a Pin, users can choose to save, comment and share. They are then moved to a board that is created by users, combining different Pins with different ideas. Overall, the app is fairly easy to navigate through. 

Although the app is simple and easy to use, there is still a strategy behind the content. It is advised for brands to pin anywhere between 5-30 times a day. The content they are pinning should be of high quality. The weekend has been proven to be the best time for pinning, with Saturday showing the most promising times. 

Pinterest is an app that is so simple yet is so crucial in many brands.



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