Marketing with LinkedIn

When you think of LinkedIn, most think of a social networking platform where people of all different backgrounds or jobs connect with one another. While that is indeed true, there is more than one side to LinkedIn. One aspect that we don't usually consider with this platform is its' marketing aspect. In Chapter 9 of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" it highlights how marketing plays such a huge role in the development and success of the platform. 

LinkedIn has over 30 million company pages, and its' platform gives these companies the ability to build deep relationships with employees and customers, while also gaining valuable sales leads. LinkedIn is the number one platform for buyer-to-buyer marketers (B2B) to distribute content. This is very impactful as it helps a company reach out to other marketers and get their name out there. In fact, ninety-two percent of B2B marketers, use this platform over others because of the reliability, credibility, and opportunities to grow their business. It has been stated that LinkedIn is one of the most trusted platforms where the information being portrayed to you is factual and genuine. 

LinkedIn offers many opportunities for people, business, marketers, and so on. It's up to you how you want to use the platform.


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