Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media. Something most people use daily yet don't realize the impact it has on our lives. Whether it be scrolling endlessly through Tik Tok or posting a daily update on Facebook, how do we know whether or not we're using it correctly? Chapter three of "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" looks into how to develop a marketing strategy to correctly use social media and result in the best outcome.

Overall, there are ten different steps that the book lists to create a perfect marketing strategy. One of the most important steps in my opinion was step three: establish goals, objectives and metrics. Setting goals and objectives for yourself will help your social media platform overall and help gauge how successful you will be. As humans we set goals almost daily for ourselves that it has become a second nature for us. Knowing this, we can transfer our goal setting skills into our social media world. According to the book, each person should have three social media goals. The goals most likely would differ from person to person as each person has their own goals.

Another step that I thought was crucial in establishing a social media marketing strategy was step five: establish a tone of voice. The tone of voice expresses a person's personality. Communication between people is crucial on social media and if a person's tone of voice isn't clear, it creates confusion. Social media can be seen as the most important channel for establishing a tone of voice, which is why it is so important in this case.

Having a social media marketing strategy is very important in developing a successful social media platform that without it, a person and their brand could suffer.


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