Movie Night!

Shout out to the huge winter storm that cancelled classes for two days. Much appreciated!


When we got the email that class was online, my friends and I started texting in our group chats talking about what we were going to do. Would we have another snowball fight? Go sledding? Build an igloo? All of those are fun options, and yes, we did have yet another snowball fight, but we were looking for something different, and warmer haha. My roommate Olyvia, the girl on the far right in the picture, and I have the "designated hangout room" so we knew we needed to plan something fun. After much thought, we came up with the idea for a movie night.


We texted Mj and Larkin, the other two girls in the picture, and then some of our football friends. Usually everyone would have to get up early the next morning to lift, run, or go to class but since all those things were cancelled, movie night was a go. We started the movies around 10pm and ended up watching 4 movies. By the time we watched all 4 movies it was already 5am! Time went by so quick; I'm honestly surprised none of us fell asleep. We watched two scary movies and two comedy movies. My personal favorite are horror movies, but it was nice to mix up the vibes. It was such a fun night with some of my best friends here and a highlight of having classes cancelled. 


These are the moments I love and live for!


  1. I was so excited to when I got the email that classes were cancelled! Also, having movies nights with your friends are awesome. I'm not a big fan of horror movies but sign me up if it's a comedy movie! I definitely do know that during those two days we had classes cancelled I just wanted to stay in my dorm and watch my shows/homework. I am happy that you had a great time and hopefully those two days were amazing for you and your friends!

  2. The snow days were such a blessing! I am impressed that you are were able to stay up until 5 am. Personally, I am an early bird so I couldn't do that. Movie nights are the best way to destress. My teammate Abby brought her TV down after we came back from losing to Otterbein, and we watched The Greatest Showman. We had to make a rule that we weren't allowed to talk about basketball because we just needed a mental break. I am glad that your group of friends got to hang out again!

  3. Movie nights are amazing times! We have movie nights almost every week in our house, although they are yet to reach 5am! Some house favorites are Cars and The Incredibles but regardless of what we are watching its always a great time!

  4. I love a good movie night! Usually I am way too tired to make it past midnight though, let alone 5 am!!! It sounds like you guys had a really fun time and made the most out of a rare occurrence. If we get more snow (hopefully not) I think building a giant snowman might be the next move, campus is missing out on one of those!


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