All-Ohio Championship Meet

Did someone say 25 laps of fun? Because whoever said that, was wrong. The past two weekends I've raced the 5k, which is 25 laps on the indoor track. To say it was hard and exhausting is an understatment. 

On Saturday our team traveled to Otterbein for the All-Ohio Championship Meet. I was really excited that I had qualified for the meet in two different events, the mile and the 5k. I knew all along that Maus was going to put me in the 5k, but a small part of me was hoping my name would somehow end up on the mile entry list. That small hope of mine was crushed when I saw I was listed for the 5k. Oh well, what's 17 more laps anyways, right? I ended up not doing as great as I was hoping for but it's a learning experience! Before college I had never raced a 5k on the indoor track, the most I had ever raced was the two mile. From what I have learned so far racing it, is that it's all about being mentally strong. You can put in countless work and run high-milage weeks before that race but if you're mentally weak, all that hard work will go down the drain. The more I race the 5k, the more I learn from my mistakes and become stronger in the end.

Our conference meet is two weeks away and I'm eager to see what Maus is going to put me in. I'm taking this coming weekend off from racing to rest my legs for conference which I am not complaining about at all. The past month I've raced such long distance events that my legs definetly need a break! This indoor track season has gone by so fast but it's given me some of the best memories to look back on with some amazing people!


  1. Oh my goodness I cannot imagine running that far! All my friends in high school were long distance runners, and I never understood how they could do it. We are approaching our final weeks in the basketball season, and my legs are dead. The time we spend on stretching increases everyday. Last week we had an intense overtime matchup with #10 nationally ranked Baldwin Wallace, and we could barely move the next day. Keep up the great work! I love seeing all the success from the track team in my Twitter feed.


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