Snow much fun!

Who doesn't love a good snowball fight? It FINALLY snowed in Ada this past week and to say my friends and I were excited is an understatement. We started off the evening by going to dinner at Beer Barrel after practice. The roads weren't in the best condition but we were getting tired of eating at MAC and WOW so it was a much needed trip away. After hours of talking, laughing, eating delicious food, and having a fun time, we made our way back to campus. When we arrived back, snow covered everything around us. I'm not sure who started it but out of nowhere, one of my friends was hit with a snowball and the fight began. Everyone dropped what they were doing and began to gather snow to hit each other with. I swear it went on for 20 or so minutes. We couldn't stop laughing and smiling. At one point I think someone swallowed snow which was hilarious for those of us watching but not for them. Our bodies were frozen and red but it was worth it. Little moments like that night really make me love going here. The amount of joy we were all feeling just messing around and having fun was unmeasurable. Sadly none of us got a video or pictures of the snowball fight but we were all just living in the moment which means more anyways. The next thing on our agenda is to go sledding but there's a couple problems: we don't have sleds, snow pants, or a real big hill to go sledding down. I'm sure we'll figure out something though :)


  1. Awhhh this is so heartfelt, you have really good friends! :)

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I wish I could still do stuff like that in the snow, it is way too cold for me now. I am not fond of the snow, but I hope to still have memories like this come up throughout my time here. My friends and I are going out for my birthday this Thursday, so hopefully we make some amazing memories like these.

  3. Moments like these are what make all the rocky parts of college worth it! I am so happy that you and your friends got the chance to get out of Ada for a night. Over Christmas break, my teammates and I found so much joy in our road trips for dinner. I hope you are able to go sledding with your friends too! Maybe we will be lucky and have a snow day this week.

  4. This sounds like so much fun!! I know that people have gone sledding down the hill by the windmills in the past, you'll just need to find some sleds now! What if we got the track team together for a HUGE snowball fight? I think that would be so much fun and would double as some great team bonding.

  5. I had a snowball fight with my brothers this weekend after church.

  6. I think I need a few more snowball fights in my life. The lacrosse guys used to team up by senior houses and fight with the other houses and those are some of my favorite memories through my four years here.


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