Running at Ohio Northern

When I began looking at colleges my junior year of high school, I knew that I wanted to run cross country and track wherever I went. Coach Maus reached out to me the fall of my junior year and from that moment I knew Ohio Northern was special. After many visits, talking to coach, and hanging out with the girls on the team, I knew ONU was the perfect fit for me both academically and athletically. Running here at the collegiate level has had such an impact on me. The memories I've made with some of my best friends here are unforgettable. I feel like I have grown not only as a person but also as a runner because of this team, coach and school. I've put countless hours into this sport and the outcome has been rewarding. I earned the opportunity to compete at the regional meet during our cross country season and it was an unforgettable experience. It was so much fun travelling with my best friends and competing against some of the best schools in our region! Although getting the chance to compete there was rewarding, the most rewarding part about running here were the relationships I've made. Going into this school year I knew three girls on the team, my roommate, my old teammate from school, and a senior on the team. Entering the second semester now, the number of friends I have from this team has grown significantly. Running is such a special sport because of the relationships and bonds it forms between people. I will forever be thankful for Ohio Northern for giving me some of the best memories of my life with my best friends while doing something that I love the most, running.


  1. This blog is amazing and very heart felt. You did a great job!

  2. I thought your blog was very heartwarming! I can relate to knowing that ONU was a perfect fit for me too! From, going on tours to meeting the track team and going to the Business College knowing that ONU was the place for me. I like how you talk about the relationships that you have made with being on the team and throughout college. I hope you make more memories throughout this semester!

  3. Hi Bailey! I definitely can relate to your post, continuing track and field was super important to me when I was searching for colleges too. I didn't know a single person when I moved in besides my roommate that I had only met a handful of times before moving in, but I also have made so many friends here! I hope you have a great track season this semester and I'm super excited to cheer you on!!

  4. Hey Bailey! I found myself really relating to your blog. I came to ONU for theatre. It is a very similar environment to sports. We work hard as a team to put on the best work we can. Thank you for sharing your journey to finding your place here! I knew that ONU was the right place for me before I left campus after my first visit!


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